09 March, 2008

Who is your Idol

I just got tagged by Beth Rebokon. Thanks for sharing this meme with me.

1. Who is/are your idol/s?– I’d have to say first of all our Lord Jesus Christ, then my parents for being there all the time and teaching us moral values, and lastly my husband for being so understanding and helpful with everything I do and encouraging me to do what I think is right.

2. What characteristic/s does/do your idol/s possess that draws you to him/her/them? – They are all humble, loving, understanding, patient, and most of all caring.

3. What have you learned from him/her/them? – Be patient, forgiving, and understanding.

4. Have you applied anything you’ve learned from your idol/s? – Every day I try to apply something from them.

5. What have you taught others based on what you’ve learned from your idol/s? – I try to teach my daughter what I have learned from them every day.

6. What are the things that you don’t like about your idol/s? – With the exception of our Lord, sometimes they can get quite taxing at time.

7. Have you done something to correct them? –Yes, by telling them how I feel.

Now I want to pass this on to my friends here in the blogging world. Please feel free to grab it and run with it.

Here’s wishing everyone a great day, and a grand week filled with joy and success in abundance.


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