07 March, 2008

6 Quirky things about me.

I was tagged by Haydee. Thanks for tagging me with this, I appreicate it.

The rules:
Link to the person that tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share six unimportant things/habits/quirks about your self. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let these random people know you tagged them by leaving comments in their blog. Let the person who tagged you know when your entry is up.

6 Quirky Things about myself
"Every man had his own quirks and twists" (Harriet Beecher Stowe)
Here are mine

1. Same with Haydee, I used to dip my buttered bread in a cup of coke, which is weird to my hubby.

2. I love collecting knick-knacks, especially memorable stuff of Jasmine or parking tickets when we go out for a family day.

3. A long time ago, when we check stayed at the Hilton in Ocala, I asked for rice at breakfast. Hey, what’s wrong with that? The waiter seemed shocked. Hahaha. (I love rice, you know.) Hubby even says I would barbecue rice if we had a grill...he's right!

4. When I first arrived in Hawaii, I told my hubby it seems just like the Philippines, hubby just smiled at me.

5. Sometimes, the humor bug bites me. Like the time hubby’s best friend, Bill, said he wanted a myna bird, I told him oh my you don’t want that because all you can hear them is manama-na. (Curse words!)

6. I love to drive, but I’m afraid of driving on a free way. I also complain about hubby’s driving even though he taught me to drive!

So, now I'm done with this. I wish to tag all my friend's
Happy week-end everyone! thanks to everyone who keep passing by my place I appreciate them a lot. take care and have fun this week-end.

1 comment:

twinks 2 said...

Hello sis. Done with this tag naman :] Thanks for tagging me. I got a tag for you in my http://keepfondlyinmind.blogspot.com

Di ko pa pala na add ito na blog mo.. will add this one sa list ko.. :] thanks uli sis.. mwah!