01 June, 2008

Photos by hubby.

A close-up of one flower in the bouquet.

Another close-up of another one in different lighting

Jasmine "helping" to water the garden.

More "helping!"

One of hubby's experiments.

This was actually taken in 2003 by hubby. We were spending time with our dear friends, Bill and Marietta.

Jasmine playing in the water from the hose. She was really "helping."

Another flower.

The bouquet. I think it is so lovely.

The photos in this post were taken by dear old hubby. He's not totally useless. Ha-ha-ha. The flowers came from a florist who gave them to me for free last night. The pics of Jasmine were taken while she was helping our landlady.

To read the whole story of the photos, go to my other blog, "An Angel's Journey". Maybe you'll get a laugh or two.

Thanks to all for visiting. I hope you'll keep coming back. I love your sites, and look forward to your messages and comments. God bless!


1 comment:

Lou said...

As always, I'm very impressed with your hubby's photos. Is he interested to enter his photos in BetterPhoto? Here's the site: www.betterphoto.com

There's a lot of amazing photographers there. They actually inspired me to do more.

Take care,

A Peek Into My Mind
The Shutterbug
On A Lighter Note