04 July, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

Just a note to wish everyone a happy Independence Day. Remember, it's about more than barbecues and fireworks, it's about the freedoms we enjoy, and the end of tyranny over our lives so long ago!

Have a great day everyone. Enjoy your celebrations and freedoms, we will here!

I'll be updating this weekend, with some pics and maybe a vide or 2! I'll also be updating my Angel's Journey blog, and I'll make sure to get in a long round of blog hopping, too. Check it out.

Keep the comments coming. God bless you all.

1 comment:

b3arh0ney said...

salamat sa greetings for the 4th Li. nagacelebrate pod mo og 4th of july dha? basin masuko ang mga germans, haha! anyway, suroy lang ko check lang nako usab basin naa nay pics. u all take care and kiss ko kay Jasmine.